NHS Quit smoking
Quitting is much easier when you get the right support and there are lots of options to choose from. Check out their advice, tools and tips.
NHS: Quit smokingBirmingham City Council
You are four times more likely to quit smoking with a combination of stop smoking medication and behavioural support. You can get free advice, one to one support and access to a range of nicotine replacement therapies (for just the cost of a prescription).
www.birmingham.gov.uk/infoBeaconview Chemist Stop Smoking Service
0121 588 3193
www.beaconviewchemist.co.ukStop Smoking Advice
You are four times more likely to quit smoking with a combination of stop smoking medication and behavioural support.
www.birmingham.gov.uk/infoLung Cancer – signs and symptoms
Please see the below video for information and advice on how to spot Lung Cancer.
Lung Cancer – signs and symptoms
Stop smoking
Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 28 November 2024